Understanding Plan B Pills: Emergency Contraception One of the most well-known emergency contraceptives is the Plan B pill, also called the “morning-after pill.” This over-the-counter medication is available without a prescription and can be picked up at a local pharmacy. What is Plan B? Plan B, also known as the “morning-after pill,” is an over-the-counter emergency contraceptive designed to prevent…
How to take the abortion pills? Key Point: Always follow the specific instructions provided by your doctor during the video call. The guidance here is to supplement, not replace, your healthcare provider’s advice. Steps to Take Abortion Pills: Managing Side Effects: Emergency Planning: Frequently Asked Questions: Q: How effective are abortion pills? A: Abortion pills are about 94-98% effective within…
An abortion is a deeply personal experience, and the emotional journey afterward can be complex. While some women may feel relief or closure, others might struggle with unexpected emotions like sadness, anger, or guilt. These feelings are valid and deserve to be acknowledged and addressed in a safe and supportive environment. Here are some questions to consider: If you answered…
Abortion pills are one of the most common choices for women who want to end an unwanted pregnancy at an early stage. Mifepristone and misoprostol are the two drugs utilized for this form of abortion, being both safe and successful. On the other hand, just as with any other type of medical operation, the use of medical abortion pills comes…
Termination of first-trimester pregnancy is typically either done medically or via surgical methods. Although both methods are exceedingly safe, they both have their pros and cons. Approximately a million abortions were provided in the US in 2020, the overall rate has been steadily decreasing. Of note, first trimester abortions account for over 90% of all abortions. Surgical abortion is the…
Abortion has unfortunately become a controversial topic particularly in the recent years, due to ongoing pressure from different groups and ultimately due to the overturn of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court. Owing to both legislative pressures as well as the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic telemedicine has emerged as a popular method for accessing abortion services, particularly in regions where access…
For many women, the thought of an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming, and the process of making the decision to have an abortion can be daunting. While there are several different methods available for terminating a pregnancy, one option that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of abortion pills. However, despite the growing acceptance of abortion pills,…
Abortion Pills: Mifepristone with Misoprostol Abortion pills are the colloquial term for medications used for a medical abortion mainly in the 1sttrimester to induce a “miscarriage”. The typical medications used in this context is a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol up until the 70th day of pregnancy. Mifepristone is a progesterone receptor antagonist. Progesterone is one of the hormones responsible for…
Plan C refers to medication abortion — aka abortion with pills. You might be familiar with Plan B — the emergency contraceptive pill. No doubt, both plan B and plan C have something to do with pregnancy prevention/termination. However, the two differ entirely. Before discussing other essential details about plan C, let’s dive further into the differences between plan B…
Can I Get the Abortion Pills at a Local Pharmacy? You can pick up your abortion pills at a local pharmacy but you need a prescription. First, let’s step back for a moment to clarify possible confusion with Plan B, also known as the morning-after pill. The Plan B pill contains levonorgestrel, a progestin that can be used after unprotected…